With the purpose of demonstrating various use-cases leveraging Tokenization, CUB3 has developed the CUB3-Wallet which is also structured as a “White Label” mobile Application. It has been developed upon the same mobile SDK which is provided by CUB3TECH to its customers and partners.
It is organized as a container of applications which are generally required for testing, as:
· “Payment in proximity”, in brick & mortar merchants, with QR-code reading or NFC as the air interface
· “e-Commerce security”, in transactions with e- or m-Merchants
· “Bill presentment & payment”
The purpose of this demonstration is to evidence the quality of the security data generated by the Wallet on the mobile device when
performing a payment transaction in a point of sale.
For this, we will use a simulator of a third party that in this case is MasterCard; this simulator will perform the expected integrity and security validations for this type of transactions by
the payment industry.
For this demonstration, we are offering a demonstration site, which will request tokens to complete an EMVCo e-commerce transaction.
This is an innovative way for:
- Adding security in these on-line transactions (e/m-commerce) which are heavily hacked,
- Without disturbing the users with a redirection for authentication, as 3D-Secure,
- Leveraging technology of Tokenization,
- And complying with the most commonplace standardization.
For this demonstration, we need also to manage the server side, corresponding to the Service Provider which will push the invoices to the customers’ mobile phones
for capturing either their consent to pay.
The acceptation for paying the invoice will trigger the request of a token from CUB3 Tokenization platform, token derived from the selected payment card among those cards registered in the Wallet.
Following a successful demonstration phase, CUB3TECH is offering to the interested parties, the possibility of testing the generation of Tokens and their injection in real processes in a production environment. The objective is then to develop a “Proof of Concept” tuned to the real requirements.